Terms of Service

1. Introduction - These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern the use of the services provided by Hack Range ("we," "us," "our"). By enrolling and participating in our training programs, you ("user," "participant," "student") agree to comply with these Terms.

2. Authorized Activities  - Participants enrolled at Hack Range are strictly permitted to scan only authorized RFC1918 hosts. Any scanning of unauthorized hosts or networks is strictly prohibited.

3. Definition of RFC1918 Hosts
RFC1918 hosts refer to IP addresses that are part of private network ranges as defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in the Request for Comments (RFC) document number 1918. These IP addresses are reserved for use within private networks and are not routable on the public internet. The ranges are: ( - ( to (192.168.0 to  

4. Difference between RFC1918 Hosts and Public IP Addresses
RFC1918 Hosts: These are private IP addresses used within internal networks. They cannot be accessed directly from the public internet, providing an additional layer of security. These addresses are intended for use within a single organization or home network and require Network Address Translation (NAT) to connect to the internet.

Public IP Addresses
These are globally unique IP addresses assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and are routable on the public internet. Public IP addresses are necessary for any devices that need to be accessible over the internet, such as web servers and email servers.

 5. Compliance and Enforcement
Failure to adhere to these Terms, particularly the restriction on scanning unauthorized hosts, may result in immediate termination of your participation in Hack Range programs. We reserve the right to monitor network activities to ensure compliance and will take appropriate action against any violations.

6. Amendments
We reserve the right to amend these Terms at any time. Participants will be notified of any changes, and continued use of our services constitutes acceptance of the amended Terms.

7. Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact us at:
Email: tim.j.rice@hackrange.com

By enrolling in Hack Range, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service.